I just got this e-mail from one of my dear professors back in the States who was trying to get back to the USA in the same weather in which I was trying to get to Walsingham. After having read of my own misery, Dr. Kenneth B.E. Roxburgh, a lovely Scottish genteleman (think of the opposite of the likes of PM Gordon Brown!), sent me this story:
I was sorry to read your news of the failed trip to Walsingham. Gwen and I have suffered from the weather - I made it out of Heathrow on 6 January on a flight with Delta that should have gone from Gatwick. They bussed us over to Heathrow in the bad weather you arrived in. Gwen's flight was cancelled from Terminal 5 - she was bussed back to Edinburgh after a four hour wait on the runway, waiting for a gate to open up. She finally flew home on Thursday, over a week late, her luggage have been lost for 6 days in between. The joys of travel....
On my return to BHM, I hit the curb in Oxford and lost a tire as well on my way in for a coffee at Starbucks.....a fellow soul traveller.....it ended up being the dearest coffee I have bought in a few years.
Hope the A materialises. Give my best to Fred Shepherd.
Ken R.
I was sorry to read your news of the failed trip to Walsingham. Gwen and I have suffered from the weather - I made it out of Heathrow on 6 January on a flight with Delta that should have gone from Gatwick. They bussed us over to Heathrow in the bad weather you arrived in. Gwen's flight was cancelled from Terminal 5 - she was bussed back to Edinburgh after a four hour wait on the runway, waiting for a gate to open up. She finally flew home on Thursday, over a week late, her luggage have been lost for 6 days in between. The joys of travel....
On my return to BHM, I hit the curb in Oxford and lost a tire as well on my way in for a coffee at Starbucks.....a fellow soul traveller.....it ended up being the dearest coffee I have bought in a few years.
Hope the A materialises. Give my best to Fred Shepherd.
Ken R.
N.B. I don't know if I have the heart to tell Dr. Roxy that our Professor here, the 'Fred Shepherd' to which he referred, actually has the worst story of all. His flight to London's Gatwick was diverted to Scotland without announcement from the captain! They were given nothing; no money, no love note, no bus ticket....nothing at all! Just think if you were penniless and traveling with a small child. At least Fr. Roxy and I had money for coffee, although I must confess I was looking for something a tad stronger than caffeine.
Just caught up on your blog. Sorry to hear about your botched trip to Wallsingham. Sounds like you and Ken aren't having good luck with tires and curbs these days.