At dinner tonight I sat by a young British couple, and they proceeded to strike up a casual conversation. All was the usual chit chat...you know, where you're from and what you like, etc. Then came time for the "so what are you doing in London" question. I explained that I was here for part theological and part pilgrimage with a remainder portion of fun reasons. They both quickly told me that they were proud not to have any religion and weren't looking either. They were ashamed at the way Christians acted in the U.K, and wondered why everyone couldn't just get it together and act "cordially" to one another.
So instead of lambasting them for being the crazy and sad people that they are, just like I once was, I'll pray for them earnestly. I'll pray that during this season of Epiphany they'll see the true Light of the world: a shining and living star that can melt their hardened hearts and grant them the peace that passes all understanding.
Pax and prayers,
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